Whole Family Faith Formation - September
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
Whole Family Faith Formation - OCtober
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
PPT Video: ENG. / ESP
Whole Family Faith Formation - December
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
Whole Family Faith Formation - jANUARY
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
Whole Family Faith Formation - February
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
Whole Family Faith Formation - March
- English/Spanish
- PlaylisT
- eNG/Span PPT
Whole Family Faith Formation - April
- Lesson, Playlist, & Video
Whole Family Faith Formation - May
- Lesson, Playlist, & Video
Office of Faith Formation
The Office of Faith Formation seeks to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ into every human situation, attentive to the signs of the times, through the service of pastoral leaders and all Catholics. The Office of Faith Formation builds upon the rich Catholic legacy of faith in the cherishing of her religious, cultural, geographic and generational diversity.
We collaborate with pastoral leaders and leaders in various ministries to: bring about in all Catholics in the diocese such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others; invite all people in the diocese, whatever their economic, social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith; foster gospel values by promoting the dignity of the human person, especially persons experiencing poverty and marginalization; celebrate the richness of diversity among God’s people; uphold the common good and the importance of the family, so that our society may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.We assist catechetical leaders in parishes and schools in furthering the evangelizing catechetical mission of a family-oriented, multi-cultural church of adults, adolescents and children. We provide services to promote lifelong formation so that each person's faith becomes living, conscious and active.