Catholic Pastoral Center

Bishop Coerver and all Catholic Pastoral Center Staff members have returned to the Catholic Pastoral Center offices at 4620 Fourth Street in Lubbock.

The Catholic Pastoral Center and Joan Patton Finance Center regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

You may also choose to contact staff members via email:


Judy Leos Rodriguez
Exec. Assistant to Bishop/Chancellor

[email protected]


B. Marty Martin
Chief Financial Officer 

[email protected]


Belinda Aguirre
Safe env. / Archives

[email protected]


Lucas Flores
Director of Communications

[email protected]

Nicholas Flores
Office of Communications

[email protected]

Debbie Davis
Catholic Pastoral Center Receptionist

[email protected]


Sister Peggy Szeljack
EF3 Division Director

[email protected]


Peggy Klein
Director of YAYM

[email protected]


Deacon Adrian Jimenez
Chancellor/Director of Family Life

[email protected]

Alicia Alvarez
Director of Catechesis

[email protected]


Rosalie Martin
Director for RCIA

[email protected]

Christine Wanjura
School Superintendent

[email protected]

Rev. Jeremy Trull
Seminarians & Vocations

[email protected]


Sister Olivia rico
Consecrated Life

[email protected]

Deacon Juan Cavazos
Diaconate / Prison  

[email protected]


Very Rev. Msgr. David Cruz
Vicar General

[email protected]

Very Rev. Jose Kochuparambil
Judicial Vicar

[email protected] 

Rita Ortiz
Tribunal Director / Ecclesiastical Notary

[email protected]


elizabeth o'balle
Tribunal Assistant

[email protected] 


Virginia Scherpereel
Exec. Asst. of the Finance Office & CoorD. of CRC

[email protected]


Katie Thompson
Accounts Payable, Payroll, & Budget Planning

[email protected]

Jeannie Rodriguez
Accounts Payable

[email protected]

Nitsuh Agaje
Parish Accounting Director

[email protected]


Irene Miranda
Parish Accounting

[email protected]


Juan Carlos Martinez
Parish Accounting

[email protected]


Deacon Martin Miranda
Facilities Manager

[email protected]


Marilyn Gonzales

[email protected]


Johnny Gonzales

[email protected] 


Please continue to use the diocesan number
or EMAil to contact staff memBers.

Diocese of Lubbock

Contact Information

Diocese of Lubbock Pastoral Offices
4620 4th Street
Lubbock, TX 79416

The Offices are OPEN, but feel free to reach out by email or call to see if the staff member is available by appointment.

DoL Joan Patton Finance Center
4620 4th Street
Lubbock, TX 79416

Diocese of Lubbock Joan Patton Finance Center is located between the Catholic Renewal Center and the Hall of Martrys.